story books with tree image

I’d Like To Tell You A Story…

What’s the one thing that beats everything else on the planet when it comes to getting and holding your prospects’ and customers’ full attention?

Whilst you think about that, let me explain that this one thing can actually hold the attention of anyone regardless of who they are, what they do, or what they want.

And, it can hold their attention not just for seconds or minutes (like the ultimate elevator pitch) but for hours. Sometimes even weeks and months – and on occasion, decades – think Coronation Street in the UK or General Hospital in the US.

This one thing will have them glued to your marketing copy for as long as you want. It’s the promise that smashes all the promises ever pitched to you, even by the best.

And if you could learn that one thing, what would it be worth to your business? How would you change the way your business worked if you could just get hold of it?

This one thing is the glue behind television, radio, newspapers, books, great ads, direct marketing, even cold calling.

When done properly, it smashes it out of the park. It wraps your prospects and customers so tightly round your little finger, they can never escape.

And, us humans have been generating them for at least 40,000 years. From the time of the first cave paintings. From the time we first discovered imagination and glimpsed the future.

We’re talking about stories. We all love them. The only question is why only a few of us ever use them in our marketing. And the answer is because we’re constantly told to think in terms of features, benefits and advantages. And that’s quite correct, but without a story to bind them together we’re leaving money on the table. And it’s a big table.

Stories are not just a part of the customer journey, they are the customer journey. It’s also called the funnel. It’s the way ahead if you want a sustainable and profitable business. It’s what great marketing is all about.

If you want to be #1 in your niche, locality, market or industry, you’re going to need stories. Lots of them. And you’re going to need to start telling them whenever you get an opportunity.

So what is it that connects stories, journeys and funnels? It’s combining a beginning, a middle and an end. The end that really matters. The end you both want. The win win.

So with that in mind, here are the 3 basic steps you need to follow to achieve it.

  1. Visualise the result your prospects want. It must be tangible so they can see it.
  2. Then visualise every tiny step it will take to get them there.
  3. Write down all the steps you’ve discovered and you’ve outlined your marketing plan.

Frank Sinatra visualised the story of every song he ever recorded. That enabled him to give performances that deeply moved his audience. Performances that sold 150 million records. He did it his way. How are you going to do it?


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