Preeminence from brand loyalty

Jay Abraham and Preeminence

Preeminence from brand loyaltyThe great marketer, Jay Abraham, talks about preeminence as being the path all businesses should take. He’s put a sort of toolkit together on the topic here:

The premise is that if you become preeminent you will not just become successful, but unstoppably successful. Here’s the dictionary definition: “Superior to or notable above all others; outstanding.”

So you can see it makes a lot of sense. There are a series of principles which Abraham admits he got by picking clean the brains of a mega-successful company president in exchange for $200k worth of consulting time.

I’ve selected and paraphrased a few of those principles:

1. Have enormous empathy with your customers and clients. Really care deeply about them.

2. See your business (or yourself) as the leader and authority of what you do. You are not a commodity.

3. Favour giving advice over information.

4. Present views you know your clients can trust (back up everything with facts).

5. Present your business or yourself as a refreshing change to the norm.

6. Don’t position your business as the mainstream – or you position yourself as a commodity (and that is boring). You are not the system.

7. Position your business as the glue, the connector that gets your customers from A to B.

8. Articulate and verbalize what you do. Sell your point of view (and standout).

9. Use the word ‘greater’ for everything your business does (greater quality, greater care, greater benefits etc.), and when you have achieved ‘greater’, work on making it even greater. Never stop getting greater.

10. Have and believe in a higher purpose. It’s about more than making money.

11. Nurture your customers, listen to their aspirations and hopes and help them achieve them.

12. Show them the future.

There is a lot more Abraham has to say about this, but just doing the above will make you and your business outstanding.



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