How To Get A Page Indexed On Google In Less Than A Minute

indexed on google imageTo get a new page on your site indexed by Google, all you need to do is let it know the page exists!

But of course, it’s not really that easy is it?

Google cannot trawl every single site every second (or even every minute, hour or day for that matter).

There are far too many and it would be not only cost prohibitive, but pointless.

Instead, the ‘GoogleBot’ automatically calculates when, how and what to index depending on a multitude of factors.

Here’s what Google says: Indexing a page on Google

You can’t really go wrong if you follow everything on that page, but it’s still down to how often Googlebot decides your site is worth trawling, so what can you do to speed it up?

One way is to find a site that you know Google trawls a lot and post a link to your page there (with the advantage that you also get a backlink).

An example of that is to add an image to your page, then ‘pin’ the image to your Pinterest account.

But the simplest way of all is to use Google’s very own tool.

Here’s the link:

Assuming your site is indexed by Google, this can get your page up there in as little as 10 seconds.


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