Category: Products
The Number One Club
Join The Number One Club If you’ve heard about The Number One Club before, then click the link below to find out what’s new leading up to 2018. If you’ve not heard about it before, then also click the link below and find out what makes this so very special. [thrive_link color=’orange’ link=’’ target=’_self’ size=’big’…
How To Price A Product
One of the biggest problems I know many businesses encounter is pricing a product. You have a product or service and no idea what it is worth. The simple way to price things is to analyse what the materials cost and how long it took you to make. Now figure out how much you would…
How To Find Your Unique Selling Point
You will often here from marketers (especially in retail) that a product needs 3 unique selling points (USP). And that they should be blasted over and over again and everywhere in your marketing campaigns. Like many things in marketing (and life for that matter), once one guru has spoken, everyone else tends to follow. I…
3 Steps To Make Quality Products And Services
In chapter 15 of Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the author talks about the word ‘quality’ and how impossible it is to describe with any logic exactly what it is. Now here’s the thing. Most of us recognise quality, but what you think of quality may be completely different to someone…