Tag: Advertising
Do You Think A $10 Billion Advertising Spend Was Worth It?
[UPDATE 2016] P&G are still No 1 in terms of advertising spend, though their budget has gone down to $4.6bn according to Business Insider – due in part to moving the majority of their budget to cheaper and more direct digital channels. If you had an $84bn turnover, would you choose to spend $10bn of it…
The State of Advertising 2012
Greg Voakes recently wrote a column in Business Insider on the ‘current’ trend of so called authenticity prevalent in the advertising world. The irony of authenticity is that the last thing you ever need to do to achieve it is ask for it. It’s rather like the word ‘quality’. Academics have been trying to define…
Want To Know Whether Traditional Advertising is Better Than Digital?
If you are as confused as most about what (if anything!) is working when it comes to advertising, look no further than the World’s biggest advertiser: Procter and Gamble. With a $10billion annual budget, they really must know their onions (or rather, laundry products), don’t you think? They have increased their ad spend by 24%…