Category: Positioning

  • Is Being Authentic All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

    Is Being Authentic All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

    To thine own self be true? Are you quite sure? I recently read an interesting article by Tanisha Howard-James on whether being authentic is actually a good thing. She makes a good point. It got my brain in gear and I came up with a bunch of thoughts on what she had written. My reply…

  • Why This? Why You? Why Now?

    Why This? Why You? Why Now?

    The most important message you can ever spread about your business is why your prospect needs what you do, why they need it from you and why they need it now. When you have this nailed down, you will have created your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Most people in business understand the concept, but not…

  • So, What Do You Do?

    So, What Do You Do?

    So, what do you do? And how do you answer that? One way will earn you a fortune and the other way nothing at all. So, what do you do? Watch this first (don’t worry, it’s not rude!): Everything in business is about selling. I think most of us get that. And everyone judges first…