Category: Mindset
This is Philosophy
When you become real with yourself and those you meet, it will take a while to gain respect. But that respect will be real and not skin deep. This is philosophy Humans are able to believe. Philosophy is how we do it. We have choice. We can choose. We can choose our philosophy. You can…
It’s Time To Be A Kid Again
If there’s one simple lesson in Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it’s this: plan your future. He uses the case of building a house. You don’t just turn up with a bunch of labourers and a pile of bricks and build something. You get an architect and talk about how you want…
Definition of Happiness
In the 1970’s, Werner Erhard was driving down a highway and had a revelation. He finally understood what so many people were searching for. Happiness. But the revelation was not happiness itself, it was why they hadn’t got it. He set up a series of live seminars and set a fee of $250 to attend…
It All Starts With Your Philosophy – Get It Right And Everything Works
More has been written on philosophy than any other subject – and there’s a reason why. All your beliefs start with your philosophy. If your philosophy is flawed, so are your beliefs. You end up in contradiction with yourself and the world. But get your philosophy right and everything else follows naturally. No more contradictions. You…
There Is No Future – Only Passion
We all know that worrying about the future is futile. But that making a plan for it matters* But it’s all irrelevant. It’s what we choose to do right now. Right in this moment. That matters. I’m choosing to write. I could have chosen to plan. (only one of those will get me closer to…
No One Ever Lost By Coming First
Olympians have a rule: Eat, Sleep, Train, Repeat. In the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell describes how statistics show that those who put in 10,000 hours of work on one thing become experts (great!). He based this on work by K Anders Ericsson, a psychologist and performance researcher and author of “The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise…
Falling Off Your Perch
I’ve just returned from a short break to CenterParcs. 18 months ago I was there with my family and I decided (again) to try to conquer my fear of heights. I do this by paying stupid money to walk along thin pieces of wire 40 feet above the forest floor. Every time I do it,…
The Perfect Day – Building A Stress Free Business
Could you set up a business with no stress and still achieve your objective? And if you did, would you describe that as your perfect day? And if you could live the perfect day everyday, what would it look like? Which demands the answer to the question: so what’s stopping you? In 1882 the philosopher…
Agreement or Aggression? Which gets you what you want more easily?
If you want something, the obvious answer to all pacifists, bleeding heart liberals, do gooders, and most intellectuals is to get agreement (ie. not use aggression). Every self-help book on the planet tells you this is so. Almost every psychological study proves it to be the case. Even the idea of the pen being mightier…
First They Laugh At You, Then They Tell Everyone They Know You
A number of years ago when I was in the process of changing direction, someone told me I was an idiot. It wasn’t the type of support I was looking for, but it certainly made me make up my mind. Perhaps that’s the Taurus in me. I made the change and it changed my life…